Saturday, 25 August 2018
ROM 4 2 2 CM10 1 Linaro 07 07 Team Asylum CM10 1 Slim Fast and Black Roma™
ROM 4 2 2 CM10 1 Linaro 07 07 Team Asylum CM10 1 Slim Fast and Black Roma™
What does Asylum CM10.1 have to offer?
Built with Linaro 4.7 toolchain for additional optimization and smoothness
Unnecessary apps are chucked out, thus reducing the Rom size to 140 Mb only.
Settings, clock, phone, messaging, contacts, SystemUI and framework blacked out, no official CM grey
Nova Launcher is default
Light Browser is default
Performance tweaks
Rom contains CrossBreeder for lag reduction
UI tweaks
Ad blocking hosts
Excellent battery life
Speed and smoothness
Addon.d scripts for backing up your custom DPI, N4 camera, custom carrier and restoring them even after a full wipe and flash
Team Asylum
antiochasylum, Rom creator, a nice guy and a genuine Texan straight shooter
chasmodo, most respected, friendly and classy n7000 and mako Jenkins
Jack The Ripper, our Linux scripting genius, a proper English gentleman with a penchant for getting kicked out of clubs
sunny2303, n7100 & Find 5 Jenkins
Asylum G+ Community
How often will the Rom be updated?
Therell be a new version as soon as there is at least 6-7 CM10.1 new merges, or if theres only one crucial change.
It could be daily, or every few days.
How do I flash it?
If coming from previous Asylum CM10.1 or official CM10.1 and you want to do a dirty install:
1. boot into recovery
2. flash the Rom
3. reboob
If coming from previous Asylum CM10.1 and youd like a clean flash:
1. boot into recovery
2. do a full wife
3. flash the Rom
4. reboob
If coming from any other ROM:
1. Copy Gapps and Asylum CM10.1 Zips to your SDCard
2. Boot into Recovery
3. Wipe data and dalvik cache
3. Flash Asylum CM10.1 zip from SDCard
4. Flash Gapps zip from SDCard
7. Reboob
8. Dont restore system stuff or apps + data using Titanium, it might cause issues
Asylum_CM10.1 20130707
Previous Versions:
Asylum_CM10.1 20130602
Asylum_CM10.1 20130606
Asylum_CM10.1 20130609
Asylum_CM10.1 20130613
Asylum_CM10.1 20130616
Asylum_CM10.1 20130623
Asylum_CM10.1 20130627
Asylum_CM10.1 20130630
Asylum_CM10.1 20130704
Bangstis FTP:
Optional Enable/Disable Lockscreen Rotation/ Single or Dual Pane Settings:
MoEpDa Fleshable� Files contains the following:
This is a aroma flashable zip. Simply flash in recovery, select which apps you need, install and you are done
What is not working:
Whatever doesnt work in official CM10.1 You may check it HERE . At times some apps like Play Music close, without any errors, its again a known issue for CM10.1 I would like everyone to know one more thing, CM for Find5 is still under heavy development, so keep patience.
In case you have any queries regarding to any terms used in this post, then you may refer Asylum Glossary
Special thanks goes to:
CM team obviously
XpLoDWilD & Entropy512 � for tremendous work that they have been doing overall and specifically for Oppo Find 5
antiochasylum - For being an unconditional support system & providing me this opportunity
chasmodo - For answering all my "innovative" questions & the support in making this dream a reality
Gugelhupf for addon.d scripts, cool bootanimation, testing, Asylum header and all the lollary
bangsti for supplying fast mirrors and creating Asylum wallpaper app
kufikugel and SlimBean team for some blackout images
idcrisis for CrossBreeder
Moepda for fleshable zip for rotation & dual pane switch
amarullz for aroma installer
AA1973 for FAQs
Abhisahara, Ahalford, beerbong, betoNL, mithun46, sswagonman, Toxicthunder, Utacak�, Vet-Note for being inevitable part of my xda journey
And entire Asylum community
Donations are accepted in the form of Thanks button, but not obligatory.
Team Asylum CM 10.1 For the N7000
Team Asylum CM 10.1 for the Nexus 4
Team Asylum CM 10.1 for the Galaxy Note 2 N7100
Team Asylum CM 10.1 for the Oppo Find5
Team Asylum CM 10.1 for Sony Xperia Z