Tuesday 28 August 2018

Samantha Warren Typographic Hierarchy

Samantha Warren Typographic Hierarchy

I love reading HOW Blog!  Theyre one of my favorite blogs to follow to find more information.  So, the latest information comes from Megan Patricks August 11ths Type Online post, which points to Samantha Warrens Typographic Hierarchy post.

Warren brings us back to design basics where using basic text choices (color, size, weight, style, or combination) and applying Gestalt theories does great wonders in guiding the readers roaming little eyes to where you want them to roam.  These are the type of lessons I wish to impart on my corporate colleagues over time.  If they learned how to translate their needs using design terminology, my design workload would be very lean, very fast.  A designer could dream, right?

Lessons from an intense Color and Design class resurfaced after reading this article.  Spending an entire summer drilling these theories into my head did make me a better designer than I would have thought.  I just loved the fact that these theories were immediately applicable in analyzing everyday designs.

On another off note, I really like how Warren designed her blog.  It makes me want to log in more hours to design something fun like that, but I prefer something simpler and easier to manage/change whenever I feel like it.

Happy designing!

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