Thursday, 30 August 2018
ROM CM7 2 DEMOCRACY FINAL EDITION FireKernel OC For Samsung Galaxy Ace
ROM CM7 2 DEMOCRACY FINAL EDITION FireKernel OC For Samsung Galaxy Ace
DEMOCRACY? I dont know to tell. Its just a name... Screenshots are shown with my favorites wallpapers, favorites apps, fonts and personal preferences. Wallpapers, fonts and favorites apps (paid apps) not includes in this ROM. CREDITS & THANKS TO: # XDA - for this place, tutorial, reference etc # Android - for OS platform # Samsung - for firmware & platform # Google - for references, resources etc. # CyanogenMod - for ROM/sources # vo-1 - for ROM # lovetz - bring infomation ROM to XDA # ketut.kumajaya - for Blackhawk Kernel # dragonn - for Firekernel version # Achep - for ICS Theme & Layouts # balamu96m - CM9 Style Settings tutorial # lagloose - GPS and Sensors patch # itasoulas - hw Library GPS & Sensors patch # happily1986 - Solutions for faster GPS locks # imbawind - for Adrenaline� Engine # slaid480 - build.prop tweaks tutorial # knzo - build.prop tutorial # hubix - tutorial easy flash recovery # pyronia - for easy guideline script making # yagya - for PDroid Patch tutorial # Team Carbon - blue torch icon # Mobint - for Holo Launcher # tj_droid - for tutorial decompile/compile using APKManager # P4qui7o - for tutorial manually deodex # skynet28 - Tools for Disable and enable journaling in internal ext4 Partitions # aaiko - idea for QuickPic replacement for Gallery3D # Ace King 34 - point me for fix bootloop - Launcher failure # All friends here - for supports & reading my topic # Your name here - PM me if you think, you should be here (may be Im forgot) DOWNLOADS FINAL EDITION File: CRC-32: 5492f27a MD4: 9970e0bc0bc654c25bc6f8cfbb453534 MD5: a31a959ae4d5c770891a4484b9c2ff18 SHA-1: 66e2b4ebaa69c47df4cfaeafcd78b074d140cbec Quote:
- Put in "" on your SD Card - Boot into CWM5 Recovery - mount system - Instal zip from sdcard - choose zip from SD Card - flash "" - Reboot | |
1. Launcher
- Menu - Launcher settings - General Settings - Unticks all
- Menu - Launcher settings - Desktop Settings - Layout Settings - 5 X 5
- Menu - Launcher settings - Desktop Settings - Scrolling Settings, Other Settings - Unticks all
- Menu - Launcher settings - Drawer Settings - Layout Settings - Potrait grid 4 X 5
- Menu - Launcher settings - Drawer Settings - Layout Settings - landscape grid 4 X 5
- Menu - Launcher settings - Drawer Settings - Scrolling Settings - Transition effect - None
- Menu - Launcher settings - Drawer Settings - Scrolling Settings - Infinite scrolling - Untick
- Menu - Launcher settings - Drawer Settings - Scrolling Settings - Scrolling speed - 100
- Menu - Launcher settings - Drawer Settings - Scrolling Settings - Scrolling cache - None
- Menu - Launcher settings - Drawer Settings - Other Settings - Tick Disable open/close animation
- Menu - Launcher settings - Drawer Settings - Other Settings - Background transparency - 24
- Menu - Launcher settings - Dock Settings - Tick Enable dock, Dock pages = 1, Dock icons = 5
- Menu - Launcher settings - Dock Settings - Scrolling Settings - Infinite scrolling - Untick
- Menu - Launcher settings - Dock Settings - Scrolling Settings - Scrolling speed - 100
- Menu - Launcher settings - Dock Settings - Other Settings - Untick Hide dock divider
* If you want update your Holo Launcher. Pls update manually - Copy Holo Launcher apk to /system/app
and give permission rw-r-r. - reboot
* You may got force close when updating your Holo Launcher apk via Google Play.
2. CyanogenMod settings - Interface - Notification power widget
- Interface - Notification power widget - General - Tick Hide indicator (for hide green indicator below toggle power widget)
- Interface - Status bar tweaks - AM/PM style - Tick small
- Interface - Status bar tweaks - Battery status style - Tick Percentage
3. Performance settings
- CPU settings - Available governors - Tick smartassV2
- Min CPU frequency = 245MHz
- Max CPU frequency = 806Mhz
- Tick Set on boot
- Unticks for Use JIT, Enable surface dithering but Tick for Use 16bit transparency.
- Tick for Use JIT if you use S2E (simple2ext)
- Scrolling cache - Choose for Force disable (it will help you prevent the background becomes white when scroll through messages)
4. GPS Settings
- Location & security - GPS Source - Tick for Use Internal GPS
- Configure GPS by your country (except Malaysia - already figured for Malaysia)
5. Customize fonts
- Download & install Font Changer from Google play.
- Download more fonts here:
- App drawer - Font Changer - Menu - Settings - Fonts Location - /sdcard/fontchanger/ - press OK
- Put your download fonts to /sdcard/fontchanger
- App drawer - Font Changer - choose your desire font - reboot
- Done.
6. Tips for battery life
- Save battery life here
- Other tip Precise Volume Control, Smooth Scrolling and Battery Drain Fix . (Democracys ROM already have this fix)
- After reboot - go to Menu - Manage apps - Running tab - Kill process for Google playstore
- App drawer - Settings - Accounts & sync - Untick Background data
- Turn it on Background data if you want download from Google playstore.
7. Tips for low sound
According to the 30 volumes steps mod, the sound youre hearing is too low
for notification, camera shutter, keyboard or everything else.
The sound can be fix with apps like Audio Manager, Smart Volume or others sound manager
you can download free from Play Store. After that you can uninstall the apps.
8. Change kernel

If you want change kernel from Firekernel to Blackhawk OC kernel flash this -> & is only text showing at CWM Manager. (see pic above)
reboot recovery - mount /system - flash
Thanks to Matias.s.
- Interface - Notification power widget - General - Tick Hide indicator (for hide green indicator below toggle power widget)
- Interface - Status bar tweaks - AM/PM style - Tick small
- Interface - Status bar tweaks - Battery status style - Tick Percentage
3. Performance settings
- CPU settings - Available governors - Tick smartassV2
- Min CPU frequency = 245MHz
- Max CPU frequency = 806Mhz
- Tick Set on boot
- Unticks for Use JIT, Enable surface dithering but Tick for Use 16bit transparency.
- Tick for Use JIT if you use S2E (simple2ext)
- Scrolling cache - Choose for Force disable (it will help you prevent the background becomes white when scroll through messages)
4. GPS Settings
- Location & security - GPS Source - Tick for Use Internal GPS
- Configure GPS by your country (except Malaysia - already figured for Malaysia)
5. Customize fonts
- Download & install Font Changer from Google play.
- Download more fonts here:
- App drawer - Font Changer - Menu - Settings - Fonts Location - /sdcard/fontchanger/ - press OK
- Put your download fonts to /sdcard/fontchanger
- App drawer - Font Changer - choose your desire font - reboot
- Done.
6. Tips for battery life
- Save battery life here
- Other tip Precise Volume Control, Smooth Scrolling and Battery Drain Fix . (Democracys ROM already have this fix)
- After reboot - go to Menu - Manage apps - Running tab - Kill process for Google playstore
- App drawer - Settings - Accounts & sync - Untick Background data
- Turn it on Background data if you want download from Google playstore.
7. Tips for low sound
According to the 30 volumes steps mod, the sound youre hearing is too low
for notification, camera shutter, keyboard or everything else.
The sound can be fix with apps like Audio Manager, Smart Volume or others sound manager
you can download free from Play Store. After that you can uninstall the apps.
8. Change kernel
If you want change kernel from Firekernel to Blackhawk OC kernel flash this -> & is only text showing at CWM Manager. (see pic above)
reboot recovery - mount /system - flash
Thanks to Matias.s.
DEMOCRACY V2 screen shots
DEMOCRACY V2 video review here
credit & special thanks to: -Dart- / ArtoymDart (
- ADWLauncher, Androidian, CMUpdateNotify, CMWallpapers, Cyanbread, Development, DSPManager,
Email, Gallery3D, HTMLViewer, PicoTts, Protips, Provision, QuickSearchBox, RomManager, SamsungServiceMode,
Stk, TtsService, VoiceDialer & VpnServices.
- Firekernel updated to 22.07.12
- Fixed bootloop when switch to Centered under Widget layout
- Rearrangement menu, layout, row colums etc (more viewable screen, no need change LCD Density)
- Merged theme into system (no 3rd party theme need)
- Semi transparent statusbar
- Semi transparent Launcher menu
- Semi transparent popup menu
- Semi transparent SIM PIN code entry
- BLN support
- Add 30 volumes steps
- Check box alarm clock (ICS9 Style)
- Removed PDroid & Patchers (complicated with 30 volumes steps)
- Removed Link2sd
- Removed ICS Theme
- Rearrangement ICS CM9 style settings
- Busybox updated to v1.20.1
- Hololauncher updated to v1.1.2 (free version)
- Superuser updated to v3.1.3
- Google Play Store updated to v3.7.13
- Base on new release from vo-1 (25.07.2012)
- Release with BlackHawk OC kernel only
- Add QuickSearchBox.apk, Stk.apk, Talkback.apk, TtsService.apk, Gmail.apk & VoiceSearch.apk
- Standard Clock - on the right side (prevent overlapping notification icon)
- Changed 05mountsd mount as ext3
- fixed missing some libs from V3 (V3 only available for arround 2 days)
- same base with v2.1
- added Audio Manager (free version)
- added Color Note
- Mod transparent calendar by me
- Mod transparent superuser by me.
- fixed gray text & text margin
- fixed superuser & transparent
- fixed calendar & transparent
- fixed keyboard (LatinIME) not showing icon under "manage applications"
- blue color bar look alike CM9 under "manage applications"
- Holo Launcher v1.2.3
- Mod framework-res & some others apks.
- Enabled Mms enter key
- Back to firekernel 22.07.12
- Working torch apk
- removed Audio Manager
- added Beats audio engine + Alsa + AudioFXwidget (thanks to Lovetz)
- added stock Task Manager (thanks to Cryss)
- added Browser apk
- Task Manager mod by me (ICS Theme)
- fixed superuser
- Latest firekernel OC (09.10.2012)
- Base on CM 7.2 by vo-1 (25.07.2012)
- Added Adrenaline� Engine 4.3
- Replaced browser.apk with DolphinBrowser
- Fix superuser
- Fix Accessibility settings for "Power button ends call"
- Fix titlebar text to close.
- Beats audio engine + Alsa + AudioFXwidget (still here)
- Task Manager (still here)
- Firekernel OC (09.10.2012)
- Base on CM 7.2 by vo-1 (25.07.2012)
- Intergrated Adrenaline� Engine 4.3
- Replaced browser.apk with DolphinBrowser (updated to v9.0)
- Google Play updated to v3.9.1.6
- Beats audio engine + Alsa + AudioFXwidget (still here)
- Colored icons ICS settings styles
- Colored icons Phone Options
- Added some menu for ICS settings styles (Mobile Network, Task Manager & Wallpapers)
- Added ICS Theme mod (non transparent for popup dialog, background for some apps)
CRC-32: 1c535fc3
MD4: 1a79c257f588b349cf991dfd61b376fd
MD5: c81761ccb34f1bc361a66f44cc68548d
SHA-1: 581588ce5bf9dbabf5393c735254386f1cc7909e
CRC-32: b85c0005
MD4: f45f168d80931c08bc0ddaee9a18d596
MD5: 55005f612ed684412d66b02399f9949c
SHA-1: 5acf2d49fc446de6f19379adda7382937d89be08
Wallpapers setup for screenshot as attachments.
Enabled enter key create new line for Mms apk
(Integrated with V3.2)
- App drawer - Messaging - Menu - Settings - EXTRA SETTINGS
i- UNTICK Send on Enter will create new line
ii-TICK Send on Enter msg will be send when enter key pressed
Flash only if you have trouble with superuser (unroot issue)
- Put in "" on your SD Card
- Boot into CWM5 Recovery - mount system
- Instal zip from sdcard - toggle script asserts - choose zip from SD Card - flash ""
- Reboot
Signature 1:
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