Saturday, 25 August 2018

Open Shot Video Editor 2 4 0 X64

Open Shot Video Editor 2 4 0 X64

OpenShot Video Editor adalah editor video open-source gratis untuk PC Windows. OpenShot dapat mengambil file video, foto dan musik Anda dan membantu Anda membuat film yang selalu Anda impikan. Mudah menambahkan sub judul, transisi, dan efek, lalu mengekspor film Anda ke DVD, YouTube, Vimeo, Xbox 360 dan banyak format umum lainnya.

Minimal Windows 7 X64.

1. Cross-Platform
OpenShot is a cross-platform video editor, with support for Linux, Mac, and Windows. Get started and download our installer today.

2. Trim & Slice
Quickly trim down your videos, and find those perfect moments. OpenShot has many easy ways to cut your video.

3. Animation & Keyframes
Using our powerful animation framework, you can fade, slide, bounce, and animate anything in your video project.

4. Unlimited Tracks
Add as many layers as you need for watermarks, background videos, audio tracks, and more.

5. Video Effects
Using our video effects engine, remove the background from your video, invert the colors, adjust brightness, and more.

6. Audio Waveforms
Visualize your audio files as waveforms, and even output the waveforms as part of your video.

7. Title Editor
Adding titles to your video has never been easier. Use one of our templates, or make your own.

8. 3D Animations
Render beautiful 3D animated titles and effects, such as snow, lens flares, or flying text.

9. Slow Motion & Time Effects
Control the power of time, reversing, slowing down, and speeding up video. Use a preset or animate the playback speed and direction.

10. 70+ Languages
OpenShot is available in many different languages, and can be translated online with LaunchPad.

11. Simple User Interface
We have designed OpenShot to be the easiest and friendliest video editor ever. Give it a try and see for yourself.

12. Desktop Integration
Drag and drop video, audio, or images directly from your file manager into OpenShot. Its that easy to get started.

 >>>  Download Open Shot 2.4.0 X64.

visit link download