Thursday 28 June 2018

OLO’s iPhone powered Laptop

OLO’s iPhone powered Laptop

While you�re waiting patiently for the Apple notebook event to start, here�s something to look at: a laptop computer powered by an iPhone.

OLO Computer is showing a concept computer that uses an iPhone as the CPU and touchpad. As you can see from the image at right, the computer is basically a dock for the iPhone. Before you start laughing too hard, think about this: many netbooks have less storage than the iPhone. The Dell Inspiron Mini 9, for example, comes in 4 GB, 8 GB, and 16 GB flavors.

The iPhone fits into a rectangular space on the OLO, becoming the touchpad for the laptop. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about this computer � how does it use the Universal Adapter to transfer video to the display, what�s the maximum resolution that can generated on the display, do they tweak the iPhone OS to get it to display the menu bar, dock, and other Mac UI artifacts, etc�

There are no details at this time, just an interesting idea, a cool mockup, and a one-page Web site. When, or if, OLO moves forward on this product, you can read about it here on TUAW.

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