Tuesday, 31 July 2018
ROM KERNEL eve 121 4 The One N Only DXMA1 for Galaxy Young
ROM KERNEL eve 121 4 The One N Only DXMA1 for Galaxy Young

- 8 cpu freq
- 23 governor
- 7 IO scheduler
- Overclock up to 1.2 GHz
- ext2 support
- ext3 support
- ext4 support
- swapon support
- zram support
- cifs support
- vpn support
- firewall / netfilter support
- prerooted
- busybox
- apk replacer
- bootanimation installer - inclute bootsound
- font installer
- libs installer
- init.d scripts installer
- apk autobackup replacer
- AutoCreate CWM zip for restore apk replace
- deodex
- remove bootloader apk
- zipaligned apk
- Signed room - Mador
- EDT tweaks
- 6 Lock Screen
- 15 toggle notification
- Mega Bass Beat
- themed - dark-er
- Ext Manager v1.2
- Minimalist feature
Link :
- zip rom - download here
- zram script - download here (init.d scripts - remove txt extension when it appears, and set zram needs - use when needed, optimal)
- undervolt - download here (init.d scripts, check the extension, if. txt, delete Ajah. txt her, the script without extension, set the undervolt as needed - use when in need , optimal)
- swapon - download here (init.d scripts - check the extension, if. txt, just delete. txt her, without a script extension, set requirements and swapiness swapon as needed - use when in need, optimal)
- GT-S5360
- DXMA1 fresh rom (recomended)
- already in the partition sdcard (if they want to use ext-manager - ext2 recomended)
- linux swap (if they want to use swap)
- place zip rom in sdcard
- reboot to recovery and do a wipe data wipe cache n
- install CWM and did wipe data and wipe cache
- install rom zip, using aroma installer, follow the instructions
- select "Nusbol ciyuz enelan cumpah 121_4 (all ext4)" and do not check the next bootloop
- once finished, select finish, going back to CWM, select back (ignore the failed cache mount) and then to the advanced menu, select reboot recovery
- install CWM
- install rom zip, follow the same instructions as before aroma installer, then select "Embooking room" and do not check the bootloop
- once finished, select finish, going back to CWM, then back to the menu select advanced, select reboot recovery
- after entering the default recovery. select reboot. This will take a little time. just enjoy
- after entering HS, shouted Horee loudly! (if not watch out!)
- is a simple application to select the script for app2sd settings. Please read the document about the manager for further ext. (Only for sdcard partition that has been formatted and clean, ignore when not using partitions)
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/OfficialGalaxyYoung/doc/258769840931535/
MOD SYSTEM: (/ sdcard / system_mod /)
- is a system for installing or replacing apk, be it in the app folder and in the framework folder just place the apk in the app and framework folder and reboot, to install the framework it will reboot 2x (autobackup created)
- installation and also want to change the font for the font, simply place one file extension TTF fonts folder palace, then reboot (autobackup created)
- and also installing init.d script, just place the script file in the folder and then reboot init.d_scripts
- bootanimation installer, replace bootanimation, just place the bootanimation.zip in the media folder and file bootanimation and samsungani (taken from cusrom others are) in the bin folder and the files in the folder bootsound etc and then reboot (autobackup created)
- lib file installation just place the lib files in the lib folder and then reboot (autobackup created - keknya, forget, hahahaha)
- chart how it works:

- GATHNAS committee due to lack of funds for the implementation of GATHNAS in jogja later on 8 June, it will be held GATHNAS DONATE to the committee ... DONATE least 10 thousands per person, God bless ya want more. in transfer to the account number below. and for those who already transfer, please PM me and include proof of the transfer, then will I give the password link. sorry for the inconvenience, but this is all for the sake of the success of GATHNAS. your participation is very helpful committee GATHNAS. (Please do not give the password to another if you have a heart)
- Thank you for participating donors, to help smooth gathnas now being held at Jogja. hopefully reap the rewards of charity worship the Almighty, Amen ...
- once again on behalf of the committee to say thank you as much as possible.
- DEEP SLEEP not the way in maybe link2sd a2sd n, ni write "WHAT THE FCVK I CARE ABOUT IT" bhahahahhahahahha ....
- about overclock and other frequencies, I do not know it work or not, maybe this is just fake frequency, coz I myself just compare from various sources on github n google and test the build, the truth, i dont know, Im not an IT person, I not programmers understand programming language, I just tried tried, trial n error. please own conclusions.
- for road or gaknya swapon can be viewed in a2sdgui (if use a2sd script) or type in the terminal "free" without the quotation marks, for checking zram same, type "free" in the terminal, to complete type "cat / proc / meminfo" quotes
- to undervolt, type in the terminal "cat / proc / sys / bacem / volt / cpu" without quotes
- This script not improve the performance of HH until 200%, so the difference is not going to look significantly .. your choice
- IMEI cave ilang, bhahahhaha, if the others are either
- question and answer in the comments dock
- the rest will be updated later
- God
- amarullz @ XDA-for aroma installer
- Kuro installer Multi-By kurotsugi @ XDA
- creed @ XDA-LS for the 6 keys
- lidroid @ XDA-6 LS 15 for the toggle
- zcop @ XDA-tuts for kernel
- zcop @ XDA-for governor and io sched
- mericon @ github-for governor
- savie @ XDA-module for governor
- maroc-OS @ XDA-for sharing kernel source on github
- irfanbagus @ XDA-tuts for kernel
- irfanbagus @ XDA-for cpu patch
- irfanbagus @ XDA-for bacem tweak
- Romanbb @ XDA-for EDT tweaks
- D3HuM4NiZ3D @ XDA-for megabassbeats
- st @ matis @ XDA-for SGY tweaks
- Darky @ XDA-for Zipalign
- @ OGGYGTS zello-rom-for-lidroid mod and spare parts theming
- hansip87 shaaan @ @ XDA and XDA-for swipe to remove
- untermensch sicopat @ @ XDA and XDA-tuts for EPM
- xperia arc official GB rom-for part of theming
- tenhanlax.com / blog - for IPAD psd
- CoD @ XDA-for dialertab and contact ics mod
- Official Temporary group Gyoung Indonesia
- Official group Gyoung Indonesia
- Art Corner group Gyoung Indonesia
- I Love Nenen group
- Melky @ OGGYGTS-master dev
- Ricky @ OGGYGTS-master dev
- Inzide @ OGGYGTS-core support me to make this ROM
- Heri Setiawan @ OGGYGTS-help me out IUDs problem
- M. Alfiyan @ OGGYGTS-for help out init.rc problem
- Fedy K @ OGGYGTS-Discussion about build kernel
- jmkl sik @ OGGYGTS-you are so awesome dude
- Average when the @ OGGYGTS-for being a tester
- Lock Screen @ OGGYGTS-you are so hots beb
- Ridho M @ OGGYGTS linux mint-master
- Chess BR @ OGGYGTS-for for brilliant idea
- zello-rom dev @ OGGYGTS
- Illegal-Devshi - rust, pagan, kasul, Kagel
- Art Corner WA pool
- Jeniper Lover WA Pool
- sweet eve - 121_4
- and many more that i can not mention one by one
- sadulur sedoyo sekecakipun 4S
- Regard zecn @ illegal-devshit